Your rate
€ 164,-
- Cash price
- € 11.490,-
- Down payment
- € 0,-
- Net loan amount
- € 11.490,-
- Effective annual interest
- 5,42 %
- Monthly rate
- € 164,-
Credit mediation by CHECK24 Vergleichsportal Finanzen GmbH, Trappentreustr. 1-3, 80339 München.
2/3 of customers receive 5.42 % effective annual interest rate・5.29 % fixed borrowing rate p.a.・total amount € 11.490,-・net loan amount € 11.490,-・84 installments・monthly € 164,-
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Basic Data
- Body type
- Enduro Bike
- Type
- Used
- Offer number
- 7120
Vehicle History
- Mileage
- 4,399 km
- First registration
- 08/2023
- Full service history
- Yes
Technical Data
- Power
- 77 kW (105 hp)
- Engine size
- 895 cc
- Comfort & Convenience
- Topcase
- Windshield
Colour and Upholstery
- Colour
- Black
- Manufacturer colour
- Schwarz
Vehicle Description
- Blackstorm Metallic
- Handschutz
- Adaptives Kurvenlicht
- Headlight Pro
- Schaltassistent Pro
- Heizbare Griffe
- ABS Pro
- Fahrmodi Pro
- Kofferhalter
- M Endurance Kette
- MSR (Motorschleppmomentregelung)
- Keyless Ride
- Tagfahrlicht
- Tieferlegung (kann bei Bedarf entfernt werden)
- RDC Reifendruckkontrolle
- Connectivity
- Sitzbank niedrig
- BMW Motorrad Gewährleistung
- Style Triple Black
- Dynamik Paket
- Aktiv Paket
- Nachrüstung MSB
- Seitenkoffersatz schwarz
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TRIUMPH Berlin Süd
Bahros Bike Bude GmbH
Mahlower Str. 250
14513 Teltow
Tel: 03328 3539 970
Insure this BMW F 900 XR now?
€ 11490.
*Prices were calculated based on an exemplary buyer profile, all details here
Dealer- VAT deductible
- Dealer price